We want to take this time to congratulate Christopher Nolan, and the rest of the extremely gifted production team of the now Academy Award winning film Inception! The movie was nominated in eight different catagories in tonight's 83rd Academy Awards, and out of those eight Inception took home four Oscars in Cinematography, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, & Visual Effects. It was great night for Nolan and his crew, and we couldn't be happier for them. So congrats guys!
Hot Toys is proud to present their MMS147 (Movie Masterpiece Series) 1/6th scale Tracker Predator Collectible Figure with Hound from the "Predators" movie. The movie-accurate Tracker Predator collectible is specially crafted based on his image in the movie, highlighting the newly developed body armory; face mask, weapons and movie-accurate hound sculpture as accessory.
The 1/6th scale Tracker Predator Collectible Figure with Hound specially features:
-Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Tracker Predator in the Predators movie
-Approximately 14 inches/35 cm tall
-Over 22 points of articulations
-Highly detailed head and newly developed body armory
-Three (3) pairs of interchangeable palms including:
One (1) pair of fists, One (1) pair of relaxed palms, One (1) pair for holding the metal chain of hound
-Three (3) interchangeable metal blades of different lengths
-One (1) rotatable left shoulder-mounted gun
-Undetachable face mask with LED light-up function
-Newly developed movie-accurate hound sculpture with highly detailed painting
-Metal chain with leather-like materials for holding hound
-Leather-like skirt and straps on waist
-One (1) pair of forearm armor with right one for inserting blade
-One (1) pair of thigh armor
-One (1) left waist armor
-Figure stand with Tracker Predator nameplate and the movie logo
Artists: Figure Sculpted and painted by Joseph Tsang
Release date: End Q2 - Early Q3 2011
Recently Ive been really getting into the whole Friday The 13th franchise. Theres only a couple collectibles Ive managed to get in the short time that Ive become a fan. One of the pieces that I was more than excited to get my hands on was the NECA Jason Voorhees Mask prop replica from the movie "Freddy Vs. Jason". The mask is directly casted from the mask the actor playing Jason Voorhees wore in the movie. I was really happy with the overall shape and design, but I had a really big problem with the painting of the mask. Now, Im not really picky about it being movie-accurate, but the painting on this mask was total crap. First of all it was way too dark. The color was a greenish/yellowish and it was just ugly. On top of that the paint they used was so cheap it just chipped off with my fingernail. That just wouldnt do, so I decided to repaint it.
Here's a look at the mask straight out of the package.
My materials were spraypaint (tans/grey/black/red/matte clear coat), steel wool, and a sanding pad. Not pictured is a wire brush and masking tape.
First step that I had to take was to sand all of the original paint off of the mask.
Next, I used brown/rust and black spraypaint to paint the detail, and give it an old grungy look.
I then painted a tan color, over the brown/rust and black detail. I did these steps in this order so I could later sand the tan color off to bring through the detail underneath.
Next I sanded the gloss coat off of the mask to make it have a matte finish. I then used masking tape to mark off the chevrons and then used red spraypaint to paint them on.
After the red paint dried, I removed all of the masking tape. I then used a wire brush and steel wool to to add the grungy/worn effect into the mask. After I sanded the detail, I used black spraypaint and mixed it with water and used a sponge brush to add a greasy/dirty look to it. I then used the same brush and whipped it towards the mask with red paint. This gave the effect of blood splatter. I then sealed the mask with a clear matte finish.
Overall, Im very proud of my work. It may not be movie accurate, but its my own take on the classic slasher's mask of choice.
We all knew that he was coming, but this teaser is still a shocker. It also looks like Hot Toys is including the Tracker's dog as well. Looks like another year of an empty wallet. =p
Its been over a year since I last worked on a custom figure project. Last time I was able to bring a 1/6th Bruce Wayne figure together thanks to the Hot Toys Batman figure alternate headsclupt, a suit, Truetype body, and a little elbow-greese.
This time, rather than creating a figure that isnt marketedly available, Im replicating a figure that already exsists. As we've reported on the blog before; Hot Toys recently released 4 figures exclusively available only in stores in celebration of their 10th Anniversary. One of the figures comes in a set of two: the Batman Begins 1/6th Scale Demon Batman & Scarecrow Figure Set. Now for most, the Scarecrow figure has been very sought-after for many years. Collectors around the world have been kitbashing, and making 1/6th scale Scarecrow figures from scratch. Hot Toys did an amazing job on the figure, but to be honest it was a bit of an odd jesture to only offer the figure as "In-store" exclusive. Considering a huge chunk of Batman franchise contributers hails from the United States, making the figure a Japan exclusive was a bit rude. Hopefully Hot Toys is a little more gracious with future celebration releases.
Being available exclusively only to Japan, the value of the figure here in the United States skyrocketed. Topping out at an average of $300, we have to find an alternative. So my plan was to aquire the authentic pieces I needed such as the headsculpt and boots, and purchase the other pieces seperatly that are not made by Hot Toys. That way I could have the figure at nearly one third the actual price. So after bidding on Ebay I managed to get the essentials. Ill update later when I get the rest of the items I need and share my newly made figure with all you guys.
Once every year, taking place in February, we are brought the Toy Fair. Manufacturers from all over the world gather in New York City, NY in the United States to unveil their hard work over the prior year of production. We get an inside look at upcoming releases from the toy manufacturers, as well as works-in-progress.
Sure there are dozens of different companies, offering every type of toy or high-end collectible. But we believe NECA really stole the show. So many new figures were unveiled, and as collectors we couldnt be more happy. The following pictures come to us courtesy of Figures.com. The pictures show the latest projects from NECA featuring figures from "The Terminator", "Predator", "A Nightmare On Elm Street", "T2: Judgement Day", and "Predators". The release dates on most of these figures arent set in stone yet, but they'll all most likely be out this year. Enjoy.