After much procrastination, I finally purchased a new shelving unit to house my collection. Some of you may remember a couple of posts I did about converting an entertainment center cabinet into a shelving unit. Well after several months of living with it, it just proved to be a problem. It was just far too big and bulky to be in my room. So a quick visit to Target and $30 later and I have at least half of what I needed. Later Ill buy the other shelving unit, but for now, things will be a lot more streamlined.
Click here to see my original display cabinet in progress.
Click here to see my original display cabinet complete.
What did I do with the old cabinet? See for yourself...
Ok, I was actually just going to ignore this, but a couple people have asked me why I havent posted anything about this Hot Toys recent release. Over this last week Hot Toys has announced that they are going to release a new figure based off of Arnold Schwarzenegger's role of the T-800 from James Cameron's 1984 movie, "The Terminator". HT had attempted to do this 5 years prior, but unfortunately due to licensing issues didnt quite achieve what they were hoping for.
Now, there's an issue I have with this. It has nothing to do with the figure itself. Hot Toys did an amazing job with this figure. Perfect realistic realization to Arnold Schwarzenegger just like the T-800 from T2. The problem I have is with the movie itself. Im sorry, and this just my opinion, but I think the first Terminator movie was just terrible. I thought that the visuals, effects, wardrobe, set design, etc. were just so sub-par. The acting was very droll and the characters lacked charisma between each other. Pretty much every character's wardrobe looked like the epitome of the worst fashions of the 80's, as well as the surroundings. The movie looked cheap and very rushed, and its a movie that just does not stand the test of time. In my opinion I feel the only positive to "The Terminator" is that in started the plot to begin the Terminator series. Between "The Terminator" and "Terminator 2: Judgement Day", the differences are nearly painful. All just in my humble opinion.
Despite all of that, for fans of the original Terminator this figure is definitely a huge blessing. This figure is definitely the highest quality collectible to come from this movie. If you're a fan, I would recommend get this in a heartbeat.
"Hot Toys is proud to present the 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure from The Terminator movie. The T800 collectible is specially crafted based on the image of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie, highlighting the newly sculpted head, muscular body, detailed weapons and accessories, as well as the additional interchangeable damaged head."
The 1/6th scale T800 Collectible Figure specially features:
- Authentic and detailed fully realized likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger as T800 in the movie The Terminator
- Approximately 30cm tall
- Muscular body with over 30 points of articulations
- Dark brown colored hair sculpture
- Movie accurate facial expression with detailed wrinkles and skin texture
- An additional interchangeable left eye damaged head
- Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable palms including:
- One (1) pair of relaxed palms
- One (1) pair of gloved fists
- One (1) pair for holding gun
- One (1) damaged right arm
- Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
- One (1) dark grey colored jacket with metal chain on left shoulder
- One (1) black colored patterned under vest
- One (1) pair of khaki colored pants
- One (1) pair of black colored boots with chain on left side
- One (1) long slide pistol
- One (1) machine gun
- One (1) long shot gun
- One (1) medical pincer
- One (1) medical knife
- Four (4) pairs of medical scissors
- Figure stand with T800 nameplate and the Terminator movie logo
3 years after the release of the much anticipated 2003 remake of the slasher cult film "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Sideshow Collectibles released a 12" figure of the main character, Thomas Hewitt aka "Leatherface".
The 2003 remake of "The Texas Chainsaw Masscre" was about five teens making their way back from a trip to Mexico, that are lead to a foreboding house after a shocking encounter with a hitchhiker. Once there, they discover the disturbing truth behind several recent disappearances, and encounter the chainsaw-wielding maniac known as Leatherface! The movie accurate 12 inch figure featured the mask of skin, as worn by Andrew Bryniarski in the 2003 slasher film. Also included his infamous chainsaw, hands with rings collected from his victims, and a film accurate costume, complete with apron and leather arm wrappings.
Personally Im a big fan of the TCM franchise and I wish I had been into serious collecting at the time this figure released, because I would have bought it in a heartbeat. Except for a couple of issues, this figure is the best collectible of this whole franchise next to NECA and McFarlane's 7" and 18" novelty lines. I would definitely recommend this figure to any TCM fan in a heartbeat. I can definitely say that when I have some spare funds I will track this little guy down and get one for myself.